Nigella Lawson’s Unexpected Secret Ingredient For The Best Roast Potatoes

Roast potatoes are a classic comfort food, and everyone has their own twist to make them perfect. But when a culinary queen like Nigella Lawson reveals her secret ingredient for making the best roast potatoes, you know it’s worth paying attention. Nigella’s recipes are often simple yet transformative, and her unexpected addition to roast potatoes will have you wondering why you haven’t tried it before. Let’s dive into Nigella Lawson’s surprising method for taking your roast potatoes to the next level.

The Classic Roast Potato Recipe

Before we get into Nigella’s secret, let’s talk about what makes a good roast potato. The perfect roast potato is crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. It’s all about the right combination of potatoes, fat, and seasoning. Typically, the process involves parboiling the potatoes, roughing up their edges, and then roasting them in hot fat, often goose fat or olive oil, until they reach golden perfection.

Choosing the Right Potatoes

When it comes to selecting potatoes for roasting, floury potatoes like Maris Piper or Yukon Gold are ideal. They have a high starch content that ensures the insides stay fluffy while the edges crisp up beautifully. Avoid waxy potatoes, as they tend to hold their shape and don’t get as crispy.

The Perfect Fat for Roasting

Traditionally, goose fat or duck fat is used for roasting potatoes, giving them a rich, savory flavor. Olive oil is also a popular choice for those looking for a healthier option. The key is to ensure the fat is sizzling hot before adding the potatoes to the roasting pan. This helps to create that essential crispy crust.

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Nigella Lawson’s Unexpected Secret Ingredient

So, what does Nigella add to her roast potatoes that sets them apart? It’s not an exotic spice or a complicated technique—it’s semolina. Yes, you read that right. Nigella sprinkles semolina over her parboiled potatoes before roasting them. This seemingly simple addition does wonders for the texture of the potatoes.

Why Semolina Works Wonders

Semolina is a type of flour made from durum wheat, commonly used in pasta making. It’s slightly coarser than regular flour, which is why it works so well on roast potatoes. When sprinkled over the parboiled potatoes, the semolina sticks to the roughened edges, creating an extra layer of crunch as it roasts. The result? Incredibly crispy roast potatoes with a golden, crunchy exterior that contrasts beautifully with their soft, fluffy insides.

How to Use Semolina in Your Roast Potatoes

Incorporating semolina into your roast potatoes is simple. After parboiling your potatoes and letting them steam dry, sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of semolina over them. Toss the potatoes in the semolina, ensuring they are evenly coated. Then, roast them in hot fat as usual. You’ll notice the difference in texture immediately—a thicker, crisper crust that’s simply irresistible.

Additional Tips for Perfect Roast Potatoes

While Nigella’s semolina trick is a game-changer, there are a few more tips to keep in mind for achieving the perfect roast potatoes:

Preheat Your Roasting Pan

Always preheat your roasting pan along with the fat. This ensures that when the potatoes hit the pan, they start crisping up instantly, preventing them from sticking and soaking up too much fat.

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Don’t Overcrowd the Pan

Give your potatoes some space. Overcrowding the pan can lead to uneven roasting, with some potatoes steaming rather than roasting. Spread them out in a single layer to ensure they all get crispy.

Season Generously

Season your potatoes with salt right after they come out of the oven. The heat helps the salt stick to the potatoes, enhancing their flavor. You can also add herbs like rosemary or thyme for extra aroma and taste.


Nigella Lawson’s addition of semolina to roast potatoes is a small change that makes a big difference. This secret ingredient gives the potatoes an unparalleled crunch, elevating them from a simple side dish to the star of the meal. Next time you’re preparing roast potatoes, give Nigella’s method a try—you won’t be disappointed!

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1. Can I use other types of flour instead of semolina?

While semolina is ideal due to its coarser texture, you could try using cornmeal or polenta as an alternative. However, the results may vary slightly.

2. Do I need to use semolina if I prefer waxy potatoes?

If you’re using waxy potatoes, you might not get the same crispy effect even with semolina, as these potatoes don’t fluff up as much as floury ones.

3. Can I make roast potatoes ahead of time?

Roast potatoes are best enjoyed fresh out of the oven, but you can parboil and coat them in semolina ahead of time. Roast them just before serving.

4. Is it necessary to use animal fat for roasting?

No, you can use olive oil or vegetable oil if you prefer. Just make sure the oil is hot enough before adding the potatoes.

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5. How do I reheat leftover roast potatoes?

To keep them crispy, reheat leftover roast potatoes in the oven at a high temperature rather than in the microwave.